Professional Improvement in Lighting and Sets for Visual Arts and Shows
Belo Horizonte - MG, May 2021
Theatre: Architecture and Stage Techniques - Conecta
Gabriel Pederneiras e Filipe Pederneiras
Centro Universitário UNA
Belo Horizonte - MG, May 2021
Creative Leadership Course - O Bando
Perestroika - School of creative methodologies
Porto Alegre - RS, September 2019
Creative Leadership Course - O Bando
Perestroika - School of creative methodologies
Porto Alegre - RS, March 2019
Creative Leadership Course - Refresh
Perestroika - School of creative methodologies
Brasília - DF, September 2018
Fluxo - Creativity course
Perestroika - School of creative methodologies
Belo Horizonte - MG, September 2017
Fluxo - Creativity course
Perestroika - School of creative methodologies
São Paulo - SP, April 2017